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Direct Art Magazine    Slowinski Paintings    Limner Gallery   

 About SlowArt

SlowArt is a concept representing the artist Tim Slowinski. The use of the trademark and logo was established in 1995.  At the beginning of his career, in 1978, Slowinski inscribed on the wall of his studio what was to become the foundation of SlowArt: "Art is a way of life, a method of being, a way of perceiving the world."  It was this concept of art as a way of life that is the basis of SlowArt. Essentially, under SlowArt, art is not only a process of creating objects, but is a life long devotion to the creative process. In this view of life, activity unrelated to the creative process is undertaken only as a support structure for the process. Art is seen not an occupation or business activity, but as a vocation and devotion.

As a spiritual concept, the materialist consumerism of American society is antithetical to SlowArt.  This culture, filtered through the experience and mind of the artist, provided the inspiration and basis for the development of Slowinski's art. This is expressed in the paintings created by Slowinski based on cultural themes such as militarism, processed food, religion, politics and greed.

Early in 21st century, a Slow Art movement developed. Internet references to Slow Art began to appear with exhibitions organized under the heading of Slow Art.  Manifestos were published as artists proclaimed their allegiance to new found principles of Slow Art. These new principles evolved in opposition to the face paced, post industrial, electronic culture and involved new ways of looking at art. The viewing of art under Slow Art is described as a slow and meditative process. To properly view a work of art, it must be viewed and pondered over slowly, for a duration of time. Ultimately, Slow Art expressed itself as a movement. In 2010 a special day was designated as Slow Art Day, and some museums and galleries around the world have come to celebrate this day by having organized viewings according to the principles of Slow Art.

 Slowinski's art life, self described as SlowArt, and Slow Art as expressed by Slow Art Day, are similar in that they both emerged as a reaction to a face paced, materialist culture. Some of the core principles of art as a contemplative and meditative process are the same. However, these two art concepts emerged independently and are formatively unrelated. Although Slowinski's use of SlowArt as a descriptive began prior to the emergence of Slow Art Day, whether it influenced the development of Slow Art conceptually, or as a movement is unclear.    


Direct Art Magazine     Slowinski Paintings     Limner Gallery