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Mark Rodriguez
Serious Intent
by Brian Gibson
There is a serious intent behind the art of Mark
Rodriguez. His work has evolved to illuminate and bridge the gap between the concrete and
abstract. It is an interplay between color, line, and form. Whether painting, sculpting,
or mixing the two, he embraces the simplicity of these three basic elements, his work
exhibiting a highly-tuned sense of invention and craftsmanship as well as a sense of new
directions in the visual realm.

Attention Given to Something, modeled wood,
picture framesAmerica and its faith
Rodriguez operates his studio in a state of graceful
awareness - his logic in harmony with the intuitive task at hand. On one hand his art is
the expression of an individual. It is a metaphor of a spiritual journey transferred onto
a canvas or onto an armature. On the other, it is a contagious form of reflection. We are
invited to examine our notions, perceptions, and world view in a new light. It makes us
more pliable - serves to sensitize us.

Americana, modeled wood, hanging light bulbsAmericana, a
question of direction
But, as viewers, we can only speculate on what an
artist is trying to say. In a way, this may be our greatest mistake. We may forestall a
profound art experience by becoming frustrated at failing to decipher a logical message,
and we can forget that artists themselves are students of their own work. Rodriguez admits
to predicting very little. "I only know I will begin a piece and I know that I have
the experience, the ability, and the faith to someday finish it. The rest is an adventure.
I cant tell you what its all about." He admits the work informs the
artist as to how to proceed (if they are willing to listen) and ultimately teaches the
artist something about their own nature. Over time, the artist has learned to take an
unbiased view of his work - frequently inspired to stand back and wonder at a finished
piece. He enjoys this mental adventure and is sometimes surprised at how he feels when the
work is complete. "Its a process", he says, "It never ends". As
viewers of art we learn something about ourselves too. We can become painfully aware of
how vulnerable and imperfect we are and it can shake us into a defensive mental posture or
perhaps a knowing state of acceptance.

If the purpose of art is to reveal, than
Rodriguez has succeeded. It can be something beautiful, frightening, harmonious or quiet.
We are invited to participate in the process of the artists intent and we can become
more humble in the face of these revelations. Rodriguez asks the question of himself: Who
are you? And the viewer faced with an emotionally charged work will ask themselves the
same question - Who am I?
Perhaps this is the simplest definition of the art of Mark
Rodriquez: It has a serious intent that can be experienced. The question then becomes:
What is it about this particular combination of forms, lines, and colors that makes me
think of certain things and feel a certain way?
Over the last thirty years the philosophy
of Mark Rodriguez has not changed. He believes art is a visual language that challenges
emotions and stimulates a vocabulary of intellect capable of transforming a moment into an
Rodriguez works in a number of mediums. Though often called dark
or cynical, his painting, sculpture and installations convey a note of irony and humanity.
Working within the realm of visual beauty, he views his work as an attempt to help one
understand. "To understand is to question, and to question is to understand
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